Saturday, September 1, 2012

Brain Focus and Attention Treatment for ADD, ADHD, Turret Syndrome


This disorder effects:
1.  Gut
2.  Brain
3.  Immune System
4.  Heavy Metal Metabolism
These children are born with in ability to detoxify their bodies.  The intestinal tract, colon and liver are affected and/or compromised.  They have bad gut bacteria and often diarrhea or constipation is found in about 80% of the kids from 2-6 years old.   Many of them experience and/or have yeast overgrowth problems. 

One of the 1st areas of focus is the gut or digestive system.  Probacillus Plus is the product to that will repair the gut and digestive systems to normal.  Probacillus Plus is one of the most advanced probiotics in the market today.  Probacillus Plus is a combination of two types of lactic acid producing bacteria found in the intestines of every human being, namely Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.  It helps with their diarrhea and constipation and eating habits. 

The yeast overgrowth problems are a result of a comprise digestive systems and the yeast also will "flog" the brain function.  It might sound odd to someone but brain function and digestive problems are related.  How can you or your child focus if the are having stomach problems?  Their stomach hurts whenever they eat something.  Therefore their attention is distracted due to stomach pains/issues.  A healthy digestive system will allow for better absorption of nutrition and medications.  You can not have a healthy immune system with out a healthy digestive system.

People who have digestive issues should be taking Omega 3's oils only.  Not Omega 6 or 9 as they will further inflame he intestinal tract.  EPA is for the heart, lung and immunity and DHA is for the brain.

Probacillusplus is used to establish better absorption of vitamins, minerals, omega oil, amino acids, medicines and overall nutrition.  I recommend 3 to 6 tablets daily.  Probacillus Plus will not upset the stomach.  It is designed to only release when it reaches the intestinal tract.   I recommend to my clients to do a flush 6 pills a day i.e. 3 pills twice a day or 2 pills 3 times a day.  Do this for 4 days. After about a month you can decrease the intake down to 4 pills a day but not less than 3 a day.  Do not add Probacillus Plus to anything hot and that includes food or liquid.  Probacillus Plus does not need any refrigeration.

NOTE: Probacillus Plus is a human strain, NOT a plant stain of a probiotic. It does not cause: gas or bloating from this product. It will not upset the stomach. It does not increase yeast overgrowth. It stays and grows in the human body.  Over time you will need less of it once the probiotic is established in your system.

Get it here for 30% off when you sign-up as a Preferred Customer (which is 100% free) and Free Shipping on all Autoship orders of $50 or more:  or call me directly at: 1.310.773.5936

 * These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

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